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A soft wax-like fat aka lipid that occurs naturally in the bloodstream and in cell walls and membranes. It is a normal and important part of a healthy body.

1)       Dietary fat is absorbed by the intestine and transported to the liver.

2)      The liver then converts fat into cholesterol and releases it into the blood stream. Because cholesterol isn't water soluble, cholesterol and triglycerides (a blood lipid) combine with proteins to form lipoproteins which then transport cholesterol through the watery blood system.


The bad cholesterol carries a great deal of cholesterol because they help transport it from the liver to the rest of the body.              

Too much LDL cholesterol circulating in the blood can cause buildup on the inner walls of the arteries that feed the heart and brain.                

Over time, LDL cholesterol can contribute to the formation of plaque which is a thick, hard deposit that clogs arteries resulting in atherosclerosis.               

As arteries narrow, the oxygen supply to the heart is gradually compromised and the risk of a heart attack grows.



The good cholesterol carry relatively little cholesterol that circulate in the bloodstream which help remove excess cholesterol from blood and tissues.

Evidence suggests that HDL's tend to carry cholesterol away from the arteries and back to the liver where it is then eliminated from the body.

HDL's also remove excess cholesterol from plaque in the arteries resulting in a slower potential buildup of plaque.



Triglycerides transport and store fat in the body. It's clear the high triglyceride levels aren't good for the body and can be particularly problematic when combined with excess levels of LDL cholesterol.

People with high triglycerides often have high total cholesterol, high LDL cholesterol and low HDL cholesterol with some lipoproteins are rich in triglycerides that also contain cholesterol.



Liquid vegetable oils that are transformed by way of hydrogenation into solids at room temperature.

This chemical process transforms healthy vegetable oils into unhealthy fats that have been shown to raise LDL cholesterol.


The National Cholesterol Education Program developed by the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute of the National Institutes of Health has set the safe total cholesterol level at 200 mg/dl.

A score of 200 or higher signifies increased risk for developing heart disease.

A score over 240 places a person in the high-risk category.

An LDL cholesterol level of less than 130 mg/dl is acceptable for most people.

An LDL cholesterol level of less than 100 mg/dl is ideal.

The American Heart Association and the American Diabetes Association currently recommend HDL levels of at least 40 mg/dl for men and at least 50 mg/dl for women.

A blood level of 60 mg/dl or above is ideal.

Consumption of saturated fat increases LDL and total cholesterol in the bloodstream.

Consumption of unsaturated fat increases HDL and reduce LDL cholesterol and triglycerides.

 SATURATED                                            UNSATURATED

Red Meats                                                     Fatty Fish

                                                                     (mackerel, salmon, sardines & swordfish)

Poultry With Skin On                                     Polyunsaturated Fat                                 

(chicken & duck)                                           (corn, cottonseed oils & fish)

Whole -Milk Dairy Products                           Monounsaturated Fat

(butter, cheese, ice cream & whole milk)         (avocados, canola, peanut & olive oil)


1)   Know What You Are Eating.

                   Avoid processed foods.

                   Consume foods low in saturated fat and trans fats.

                   Consume foods high in omega-3 fatty acids and unsaturated fats.

                   Fish, fruits, lean meats vegetables & whole grains.

                   Limit portion sizes of meals.

2)      Exercise.

                   Daily physical activity of thirty (30) minutes or more will have a positive

                   impact on cholesterol levels.

3)      Enjoy Life.

                   Read A Book.

                   Take A Dance Class.

                   Go To A Movie (Try not to eat the buttered popcorn).

                   Take A Vacation.

 4)   Use Natural Nutritional Products To Aid In Normal Cholesterol Levels

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