1) I Will Drink Six (6) To Eight
(8) Glasses Of Clean Water Every Day!
I Will Eat Plenty Of Whole Foods Such As Fruits, Grains, Legumes & Vegetables!
I Will Supplement My Diet With A High-Potency Multi
Vitamin And Minerals!
4) I Will Add Movement To My Life By Walking Thirty Minutes Or More Per Day!
I Will Maintain A Healthy Weight By Eating Right And
Walking Regularly!
6) I Will Acquaint Myself With Natural Healing Laws & Principles!
I Will Read, Study & Apply Positive & Uplifting
Materials To My Mind To Become A Better & Productive Human Being!
I ______________________________, have read the following seven (7) principles
for optimal health and I promise to make them a part of my daily life.
I realize that I am important to myself, my family, my job and to humanity therefore I must take control
of my health.
I also realize that if I do not take care
of my health, my family, my job and humanity will be cheated out of my abilities, my gifts and my talents.
Dated ________________ Signature ____________________________________